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Accounting & Systems
Accounting is the language of business. The fastest growth companies build their foundations on robust accounting and reporting systems. It is practically impossible to have any meaningful growth without these.
What is your accounting and systems strategy?
Robust accounting and reporting systems can help you in planning, organising and decision making, help meet your compliance obligations, provide a 360-degree view of your business i.e., the next best thing to a crystal ball, and provide you with a strong foundation to supercharge your business growth.
How we can help?
We can help you identify most suitable systems for your needs. We can also help you implement it, transfer data from previous systems and train you and your team to make the most of them.
You- the pilot
As a business owner, CEO or MD for your business, it all starts with you. Your vision, your ambitions and your goals. They are in the very foundations of the business you have built or are running. Your personality reflects in its culture and values. Many analysts have correctly compared the differences in Microsoft and Apple to the personality differences of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
What is your ‘you’ strategy?
What this means is how effective a leader would you want to be for your business. You know your business has potential, huge potential! So how can you unlock? You have the power to steer your business to skyrocket growth breaking all previous records. What you need is clarity, strategy and tactics. Once you have these, you can effectively communicate these to your team to inspire and empower them. And if you lead by example, nothing can get in your way!
How we can help?
We can help you get clarity on your goals, draft a transformational strategy and the steps to execute. Together, we will uncover opportunities that were invisible before, troubleshoot bottlenecks that previously seemed impossible and give you enabling tools to lead by example.
Operations are a live demonstration of strategy execution. Top businesses know that the right execution is as important as a winning strategy. They continuously execute, monitor and improve the operations and this continuous improvement is what gets them to the top.
What is your strategy for continuous improvement?
For improving your products, services or customer experiences, you ought to be gathering constant feedback and data from your operations. It should then be analysed to identify value creators (things that are working) and value destroyers (things that are getting in the way). Appropriate action needs taking to enhance value creators and reduce or eliminate value destroyers.
How we can help?
We can work with you to draft a continuous improvement plan. We collaborate with a number of industry experts to advise on the operational challenges who can also help you implement the improvement plan. It can help to minimise inefficiencies and maximise operational excellence.
Risk Management
Risk management is fundamental to success of a business. All the hard work, investment and goodwill can be jeopardised if risk is not managed properly. Larger companies have a greater margin of error compared to SMEs. So, risk management becomes even more important for SMEs.
What is your risk management strategy?
Probably a better question would be do you have a risk management strategy because research data shows that risk management is usually at the back burner in the SMEs. A pro-active approach, timely recording and analysis of risks, appropriate advice for mitigation are your key steps in ensuring your business success stays on track.
How we can help?
We can provide you smart insights and a system of internal controls to help you prevent and detect risks within your business. We can also advise on risk mitigation.
People working in your business are one of your most valuable assets. They are the problem solvers, the innovators, the collaborators and the rainmakers- or they can be.
What is your people strategy?
The way you attract, train, develop, retain and inspire your team has a direct impact on your bottom line. Your team aligned to a shared vision. It’s not just about hiring the right talent but also the personality types you are hiring, are they willing to do the work you want them doing and will they fit in your organisation! Getting it right can be transformational for your business.
How we can help?
We can work with you to draft a winning people’s strategy and help you implement it so that you can express your leadership and realise true potential of your workforce.
Finance & Cashflow
Cash is the lifeblood of a business. Similarly, to achieve growth, a business needs funds whether they be in the form of equity investments or loans. Successful companies manage their finances and cashflow very strategically to get the most bang for their buck.
What is your finance strategy?
To optimise your business finances, your business structure and the way its funded plays a key role. Having an accurate budget that ties to your strategy, a tracking forecast to measure your performance against the budget and having planned the appropriate funds to support that growth are key tools in your arsenal to achieve your business objectives.
How we can help?
We can implement systems that make it easy for you to prepare budgets and forecasts. We ourselves can prepare these for you in addition to business plans. We can also provide you data insights as you progress through budget timeline. This can help in identification of funds required for growth, potential cashflow shortages in payments cycle and other pitfalls in advance to enable you avert the situation before it even arises.
The world’s most successful businesses can be different in many ways but there is one common thread among all of them – they are obsessed about their customers. They constantly measure how they are doing in serving their customers, anticipating their needs, provide effective solutions and provide them an experience that turns these customers into brand ambassadors.
What is your customer strategy?
How well do you understand your customers will define how well your customer strategy is designed. This drives the value you create, the problems you solve and the experiences you deliver for your customers. It also helps you focus your energies to design customer-centric products or services which deliver ultimate value to them.
How we can help?
We can work with you to draft a customer-centric strategy and help you implement it so that you can bring your customers at the centre of your efforts to serve them. This has the potential to break all records your business has previously achieved.
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