You really make life worth living for your customers, if you are in the leisure and hospitality sector. To really make your mark though, you need a firm with industry knowledge by your side. Whether it be revenue recognition related to advance bookings, gift card handling or loyalty programs, changes in lease accounting, timely asset impairment tests, VAT schemes, and tax savings or you simply want to leverage available government support schemes and sustainability incentives, we can help!

So whether you are a restaurant, a takeaway, a caterer or a leisure facility, we can add real value to your business.

Here is how we can help you:

  • Advise on the most tax-effecient structure for your business
  • Implemet or upgrade accounting systems to organise your business records for better reporting
  • Provide book-keeping and management reporting services, providing you clarity and saving precious time and cost
  • Prepare annual accounts, coporation tax returns and self-assessment tax returns.
  • Advise on business challenges using our sector knowledge to bring effeciency to your bussiness for saving costs, avoiding potential pitfalls and grow revenue
  • Payroll and pension matters
  • Advise on VAT matters relating to your business
  • Advise on internal controls to mitigate the risks around cash and epos