Building & Construction

Building and Construction sector - as unique as they come

Construction sector is unique. With long term contracts, diverse supply chain, multiple stakeholders, complex regulatory and reporting requirements including the CIS Scheme,  you need a qualified chartered accountants firm with a passion to serve and specialist knowledge of the sector to support you. So whether you are a building contractor or subcontractor, we can add real value to your business.

Here is how we can help you:

  • Advise on the most tax-effecient structure for your business
  • Register you with HM Revenue & Customs as a subcontractor
  • Help you determine the best VAT scheme for your business and the application of the VAT rules
  • Implemet or upgrade accounting systems to organise your business records for better reporting
  • Provide book-keeping and management reporting services, providing you clarity and saving precious time and cost
  • Prepare annual accounts, corporation tax return and where applicable, self-assessment tax returns
  • Fast timely refunds where these are due
  • Payroll and pension matters
  • Advise on business challenges using our sector knowledge to bring effeciency to your bussiness for saving costs, avoiding potential pitfalls and grow revenue